Local authority law and practice continues to change at pace. Over many years Knowles has established itself as the authority on the law and practice of local authority meetings and decision-making. Written for local authority democratic services officers, solicitors, legal officers and supporting officers, and anyone dealing with committee practice within a local authority environment, the new . ISBN: OCLC Number: Notes: Revised edition of: The law and practice of local authority meetings / Raymond S.B. Knowles. 2nd ed. Publisher: London: ICSA Pub., Previous editions of this work have established Knowles as the authority on the law and practice of local authority meetings and decision-making. Local government has undergone a process of modernisation over recent years, starting with the Local Government Act and the establishment of the new systems of local government decision-making.
Local authority meetings: procedural requirements. An overview of the statutory requirements and procedure relating to public and private meetings held by local authorities operating a committee structure and those operating executive arrangements. This note examines a local authority's duty to provide notice, consider any items of business. But if Knowles On Local Authority Meetings: A Manual Of Good Practice|Stephen Taylor you need a good reason to ask someone for assistance, check this list first: You lack experience in academic writing. You lack knowledge in the discussed subject. You lack time to write a good essay yourself. You lack the motivation. Knowles on Local Authority Meetings: Manual of Law Practice (8ed) ICSA Publishing Knowles on Local Authority Meetings: Manual of Law Practice (8ed) No other book covers the subject of local authority meetings in as practical or as broad a manner. K.. Product #: Regular price: $ $
Author: Raymond S.B. Knowles, Tim Harrison ISBN Book Details. Books will be free of page markings. Guidance from ‘Knowles on Local Authority Meetings – A Manual of Law and Practice’ states: “The minutes of a meeting cannot be successfully written up without a clear understanding of the purpose. Previous editions of Knowles on Local Authority Meetings have established it as the authority on the law and practice of local authority meetings and decision-making. No other book covers the subject of local authority meetings in as practical or as broad a manner. Knowles provides an analysis of the framework within which local authority meetings are held, commentary on the rights and duties of members, officers and the public at meetings and guidance on the practical conduct of meetings.