How to manually eject disc from ps3 60gb

 · This video tutorial by junker15 shows you the process of manually ejecting a disc in your PS3's Blu-ray disc drive, and also how to reset the drive's internal components for when a disc is forgotten or won't eject. If you run into bigger problems, like an improperly aligned drive, check out junker15's other video on properly aligning the disc. Insert the screwdriver into the manual eject hole and turn anti-clockwise to release the disc. This may require several turns of the screw. There is a layer of plastic that you will need to push through to remove the screw. Don’t worry – this won’t affect the warranty.  · Sometimes (it happens to everyone), your PlayStation 3 will eat your discs. Your Blu-ray DVDs will be you will be unable to eject them. You may not know what to do in this case, but after watching both parts to this video, you should be able to emergency eject a stuck disc in your PS3's Blu-ray Disc drive. Recover it without scratching and damaging it.

Fortunately, the good news is that in this tutorial we will be showing you how to manually eject disc from most PlayStation consoles and we will be using the PS4 and PS3 in this experiment.كيف اطلع الشريط من البلايستيشن. ps4 auto eject, how to repair ps4 disc eject, ps4 repair disc eject, playstation 4 disc eject issue. I have my Wii,PS3 and Wii-U facing each other and I always leave the disks sticking out of each system because all three disks touch each other and it looks like the three systems are tongue-kissin'.It's really hot because the Wii's are siblings and thus www.doorway.rus better that next gen kin-on-kin. Disc Stuck in a PS3 Slim. Sony began to see sense with the PS3 and included a manual eject feature on their Slim model. Unplug your console, flip it over and look for a small rectangular door (It's centered and slightly to the left, underneath where the disc drive would be). Use a flathead screwdriver to remove the door; pull it completely off.

Hi, this quick video shows you how you may be able to remove a stuck disc in a PlayStation 3 Phat model. By running the Fan Test it will give the console eno. Hold another disc just slightly in the disc tray, you should bring up solid on the disc inside the system. Hit the eject button, wait half a second and then take out the disc you're holding. It should hold the tray open long enough for the regular eject. Should come out then. I tried this 4 times before it worked. This video tutorial by junker15 shows you the process of manually ejecting a disc in your PS3's Blu-ray disc drive, and also how to reset the drive's internal components for when a disc is forgotten or won't eject. If you run into bigger problems, like an improperly aligned drive, check out junker15's other video on properly aligning the disc.


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