· Gospel Doctrine Lesson #2: Behold, I Am Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World. January 6, by Tracy M. Notes, commentary, and questions for LDS Sunday School teachers using the ‘Doctrine Covenants and Church History’ manual. Unlike the first installment for the Gospel Doctrine lessons (WVS’s Lesson 1), week two finds us already going slightly . · Links to media and other references about the LDS Sunday School Gospel Doctrine course of study. · Sunday, J. Sometimes it Works I love the lesson manuals the church produces. The Gospel Doctrine manuals are especially good. However, there are times when one of their lessons just doesn't work as well with my particular teaching style. I'm afraid today's lesson was one of those.
Lesson "Thou Hast Done Wonderful Things" Old Testament: Gospel Doctrine Teacher's Manual Key Principles: We all have struggles and challenges. Jesus Christ is the source of strength and solution for the significant challenges we all face. Readiness Activity: Ask for a volunteer to come to the front of the class and have the volunteer. Gospel doctrine: Lesson 10 -- "This Is My Voice unto All" Gospel Principles: see manual; Elders Quorum. Announcements/quorum business: Redeem the Dead: Ward Temple night 3/13 Wed. 7p.m. Laie Hawaii Temple; Perfect the Saints: Emergency Prep Workshop, 3/16 Sat. 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., all are invited to attend; Family Fireside. I found it when my husband was a Gospel Doctrine teacher 5 years ago, and your lessons were so helpful in opening up the scriptures to me - specifically the Old and New Testament. I am now serving as a Gospel Doctrine teacher and I love to use your blog as my go-to for my lessons. Thank you for taking the time to update these posts.
Entire Manual. Lesson “A Seer . Becometh a Great Benefit to His Fellow Beings”. Lesson “God Himself . Shall Redeem His People”. Lesson “Alma . Did Judge Righteous Judgments”. Lesson “Have Ye Received His Image in Your Countenances?”. Lesson “They Did Obey . 5) Jan 28–February 3: Matthew 3; Mark 1; Luke 3 “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord”. 6) Feb 4– Matthew 4; Luke 4–5 “The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me”. 7) Feb 11– John 2–4 “Ye Must Be Born Again”. 8) Feb 18– Matthew 5; Luke 6 “Blessed Are Ye”. 9) Feb 25–Mar 3: Matthew 6–7 “He Taught Them as One Having. Once the lesson links load onto your computer, the main screen here will be updated with all of the links available for that lesson. Click on the lesson link and a new tab or window will open with that lesson's contents. Links to the front pages of sites featured here. Support this site! Post your lessons on www.doorway.ru