Cell-phone mobility and precise communication moves up several notches with this new Bluetooth headset. Gennum's nX is the ideal solution for handsfree mobile communications in all life's environments. From the car to busy streets, sporting events to crowded malls, factory floors to the airport, Gennum's Noise Cancellation technology 3/5(15). · Left to Right: Apple, Aliph, Bluetake, Gennum, and Argard Headsets. The devil’s in the details. Like Aliph’s Jawbone Bluetooth Headset, which offset outstanding noise cancellation technology with an uncomfortable ear mounting design, we couldn’t get the nX to fit properly on our www.doorway.ru tested both ear loops, neither of which would mount the unit’s angled, silicone-tipped ear bud. · Gennum nX Bluetooth headset. The Gennum nX has a wonderfully minimalist and compact design. Measuring only xx inches and weighing in at a very light ounce, the nX is.
Gennum's nx Bluetooth Headset with Noise Cancellation The headset weighs grams GMT · By Iohana Georgescu · Comment ·. We tested the phone with several Bluetooth headsets including the Cardo Scala, Gennum nX and the Plantronics Pulsar A stereo headsets over A2DP. The Samsung u paired with all headsets with ease. The voice quality is middle of the road for both incoming and outgoing voice. Innovation Forward. Semtech is a leading global supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms for infrastructure, high-end consumer and industrial equipment. Through our advanced technology platforms, Semtech is enabling mission critical applications for three of the industry's fastest growing.
Gennum nX Bluetooth Headset ' group had proposed video game addiction be listed as a mental disorder in the American Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental. The iqua Basic 2 Bluetooth wireless headset BHS is an excellent value at $35 (internet pricing) and works very well. This is a very simple (one button) to use headset and the audio quality. The Gennum nX is definitely one of the best Bluetooth Headsets available today. The sophisticated DSP technology makes for clear calls with the elimination of virtually all background noise. It is small, but very well built and appears to be quite durable.