· Aeronautical Information Manual: Air Quality Handbook: Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-HC) Airship Pilot Manual (PDF) Sept. Airship Aerodynamics Technical Manual (PDF) 2/11/ Aviation Instructor's Handbook: Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook – General (PDF, MB) The information contained herein supplements the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual or the type design data only in those areas listed herein. For limitations, procedures and performance information not contained in this document, refer to the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual, manual material, markings, placards, or other. · All FAA approved Airplane Flight Manuals have provisions to document revision levels when they are updated, and must be kept curent. The manufacturer could call the books whatever they wanted for a long time. Your was called an AFM, the was called an Owner's Manual. Last edited: .
Regulatory Documents. Regulatory and Guidance Library. Aviation Safety Draft Documents Open for Comment. Draft Airports Series Advisory Circulars Open for Comment. c. Maintain contact with the FAA and regulations as they change. 3. Operators: a. An operator's primary duty is the safe and effective operation of the sUAS in accordance with the manufacturer's' approved flight manual, FAA regulations and CAROLINE COUNTY policy and procedures. b. The information contained herein supplements the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual or the type design data only in those areas listed herein. For limitations, procedures and performance information not contained in this document, refer to the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual, manual material, markings, placards, or other.
Regulatory Documents. Regulatory and Guidance Library. Aviation Safety Draft Documents Open for Comment. Draft Airports Series Advisory Circulars Open for Comment. The POH is a document developed by the airplane manufacturer and contains the FAA approved Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) information; The term "POH" came into existence in the mids as a result of AOPA's and GAMA's efforts to standardize and expand information contained in the owner's manuals or information manuals of the day. - Airplane Flight Manual Date Issued J Responsible Office ANM Description. Identifies the information that must be provided in Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) under the airworthiness regulations and provides guidance as to the form and content of the approved portion of an AFM. AC Including Change 1 (PDF, KB).