· MANUAL. CDE CORNELL DUBILIER HAM II CD44 TRANSMIT RECEIVE DIRECTION CDE Ham-III / CD (SERIES 2) CD Manual Antenna Rotor Rotator System CDThe CD system consists of a control unit, a bell rotator unit, o lower mast support, a hardware package and a service manual, if any of these items are missing. Minolta auto x manual lymphatic drainage. Manual MODEL HAM-M CLASS ROTOR CDE CORNELL-DUBILIER ELECTRONICS DIVISION O F F ED ERA L PACIFIC E L ECT RIC C O MP ANY Rotor Department Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina. unbalance places additional stresses on the motor and gear train. Unbalanced weight becomes critical as the distance from the. · A Owners manual PIN B. Rotator PIN 3 Oct Author: Topic: Wiring Diagram for CDE AR40 rotator (Read times) CDE TR Rotor and Control Box and Manual and Hardware in 3 Oct Author: Topic: Wiring Diagram for CDE AR40 rotator (Read times) CDE TR Rotor and Control Box and Manual and Hardware in CDR HAM ROTOR.
cm (15 inches) height will accommodate the CD rotator bolted to a flat plate without the lower mast support attached. To facilitate such mounting, a steel plate, cut out to fit against the bottom of the brakehousing and clear the terminals, available. This late, part number , has. Many operators have problems correctly identifying their model of CDE/HyGain rotor. Here is a guide that can help you identify your rotor. Controllers are generic; they may be common to multiple types of rotors. For example the HAM- M and TR rotors use the same controller. The CD, HAM-2, and HAM-3 rotors share the same controller. looking at a bad tr rotor contoller. lets see the difference about cde rotor motors.
manual unless the tower plate is already properly drilled. 4. Tighten the 4 bolts but not to final tightness. Observe how the rotator turns. It must rotate. In. such a manner as to turn the mast concentrically to the top bushing. 5. Trial assemble the mast to the top of the rotator using the U bolts. nuts. and lock washers through the. H a y s e e d N e t w o r k s.\|/. Title: CDE - TR user manual Subject: rotator Keywords: CDE - TR user manual Created Date: 6/25/ PM.