Alltech 426 hplc pump manual

is from Sigma (PO Box , Milwaukee Wi ). For the high-performance liquid chromatography analysis, an Alltech HPLC Pump and Linear UVS detector with reversed-phase isocratic conditions was utilized (Deerfield, Illinois ). The HPLC Alltech instrumentation is controlled by computer Cassandra Nguyen. The HPLC system consisted of a Waters plus autosampler (Waters Millipore), an Alltech HPLC pump (Alltech Associates Inc.), and a Waters tunable absorbance detector (Waters Millipore). An Inertsil ODS-3 C 18 analytical column ( by mm [inner diameter]; GL Science Inc., Japan) with a 5-μm particle size was used. HPLC Pumps (p/n A24) Producer Name Interface Status Agilent Binary, quaternary, isocratic GPIB, LAN Ready Alltech/Grace , , , RS - LC UNI Ready Analytical Alltech/Grace ELSD LAN Ready Analytical Technologies ASPD RS Ready.

tography was performed on an Alltech instrument (HPLC pump, Alltech UV -vis detector) equipped with Kromasil semi-preparativ e (10 m, ODS, 10 × mm) and YMC-Pack C8 (5 m, 10 × mm). All ion exclusion separations were done on the IonPac ICE-AS1 column ( mm × 9 mm) using UP water as the eluent, delivered by an ALLTECH model mono-piston HPLC pump which was controlled manually. HPLC Pumps. An Altech HPLC pump is used to inject the tracer into the drilling fluid. There are two HPLC pumps (Pump A, Pump B) in a housing in the Mud Pump Room. Only one pump is used at a time, the second is a back-up. In the figure below. Alltech HPLC Pumps. Plumbing. Plastic peristaltic tubing and clear Tygon tubing is used for.

Either: Either: Manual: Standard vial (SYSTEM CONFIGURATION) 12 x 32 mm: 22 x 38 mm: 23 x 46 mm: Auto flushing (SYSTEM CONFIGURATION) Yes: Yes: No: DATA MANAGEMENT: Channels (POWER NEEDED) Chromatograms, no. stored (DATA REDUCTION) Varies: DISPLAY: PC: LCD: Optional storage (DATA MANAGEMENT) Yes: PUMP: , Flow. Re: Alltech HPLC pump. PM. Driver development is based on demand. The page also has links on how to create your own driver. I don't understand your question on VISA configuration. Any configuration for a serial connection would be in your manual. HPLC Pumps (p/n A24) Producer Name Interface Status Agilent Binary, quaternary, isocratic GPIB, LAN Ready Alltech/Grace , , , RS - LC UNI.


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